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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 5 Conversation

Personally, I do not have any preferences in the subjects taught at school. However, if need be, I will say sciences. Learning sciences, I get to know more about the thing that happen world I live in, which is actually rather interesting.I do think that some subjects such as English, are more important than others in school. To learn anything, the basic requirement is to know your language. For example, when you are doing math problem sums, you have to know your English well in order to understand the question, and not misinterpret cause of a language barrier.


5:34:00 PM

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day 5 Picture Dicussion

This is a picture of a classroom where the teacher is helping the students. She is going through an experiment with them and the students seem to be very interested in the experiment. Some of them are helping with the experiment while some of them are taking down notes. The students are not smiling as they seem to have encountered a problem and have difficulty in solving it. The teacher must have been very weary as she should have been teaching all morning.


4:13:00 PM

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Day 3 Conversation

I entered a maths olympiad competition before. I did not take it seriously and thus did not do well. I felt that maths olympiad was a waste of time then and thus did not take it seriously. I did not really enjoy competing in that competition as i did not win anything.

I agree that children should go out and exercise more often. Research has shown that more and more children are getting obese as they do not exercise enough. All they do is play computer games and thus get addicted. Many children enjoy computer/video games as they are addictive and there is this challenge to be a higher level than their friends. The disadvantages are that the children might get addicted and thus lose interest in their daily lives, leading to the children skipping school and lastly drop out of school.


5:00:00 PM

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Day 3 Picture Discussion

This is a scene at the beach. There are many people at the beach. In the foreground, i think the group of people are trying to built a moat as they have dug a circle around a sand hill. The lady on the right seems to be the oldest and she looks like she is teaching the children something and educating them. People can also go to the beach to swim, play volleyball, build sancastles and even cycle.


4:21:00 PM

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Monday, June 1, 2009

Day 1 Conversation

My grandfather is a very strong person and I have learnt resilience from him. He has been through many hardships and has never given up before. He has been through many operations. He has diabetes, heart problems and had gone through a heart by-pass before. He had also defeated pancreatic cancer at a age where he is very old. If i could do something to him, i would stopped him from getting all those diseases. Then he would live without any problems and hopefully live longer.

I feel that elderly people should stay in a nice place, with nice facilities and good living homes. if i could design a home for the elderly, it would be the coolest old folks home in the world. The old folks will never want to leave after they stepped into it. I also feel that healthcare and nursing homes for the elderly should be free of charge as they are old and have no source of income, thus they will keep losing money.


4:04:00 PM

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3


Day 1 Picture Discussion

This is a scene at a old folks home where students have gone there to do their community involvement project. There are seven old folks sitting in wheelchairs in a semi-circle and in the centre of this semicircle, there is a student playing with them, passing a beach ball to the old folks and getting them to pass it back. There is also another student standing in between two old folks and is overseeing that everything goes well. The students seem to be quite happy as they have somebody to play with. This old folks home is well furnished, with a television and parallel bars to aid the old folks in physiology which can help them to exercise their legs. It is also very spacious and is easy to move around, making is very accessible. There is even a ramp for the old folks to go up onto the platform. A day in this old folks home can be quite boring as they have nothing to do other than talking to other people. 


10:54:00 AM

3 words , 8 letters , 1 meaning . I LOVE YOU <3